5 New Year's Resolutions All Students Should Stick To

How many things would you like to do in 2016? The beginning of the new year is a good opportunity to set goals and find new resolutions which will make you a “better” person or simply let you do what you want. A resolution is something that you resolve to do, or something that you say you are going work towards and accomplish.

From getting more fit to volunteering more, from reading one book every month to learning how to cook, a list of things you might like to do could be endless. However, statistically most people will have given up on their resolution by the end of January.

Although you may have given up on your initial resolution, now is the chance to start over and stay committed. Consider February 1 your new new year! After some research among our students and on the web, we chose 5 personal and professional goals that can help everybody thrive, give their best, and be happier all year long.


1. Be active and eat healthy

We start with this goal not just because one third of the world population shares it, but because short- and long-term wellness are strictly connected to what we eat and how active we are. Moreover, a large part of the energy we put in our daily tasks is related to how active we are: the more time you spend as a couch potato, the fewer things you will be willing to do.

Once you are used to it, healthy eating will be automatic and painless, and you will be even more active and full of energy. This resolution is one of the most difficult to follow all year long, but moments of indulgence don't have to undo your determination in the long run. Our advice is to do it alongside friends or loved ones so you can keep each other motivated and bond over the experience together.

A healthy lifestyle doesn't have to be hard!


2. Be more organized

This resolution is common to many students and young professionals all around the world. Among things you can do to keep yourself organized: plan all your course reading and project materials ahead of time, take good notes, and organize your work flow based on hierarchies or priorities. Plan study times and paper/project due dates well ahead the deadline to keep yourself stress-free.

Broaden your mind by indulging in different cultures.


3. Travel more and see the world

Traveling the globe let’s you appreciate different cultures and gain a new perspective on the world. Not only will you get to appreciate the new place you’re visiting, but seeing another way of life will help you better understand your own and give you a new sense of independence and confidence. It’s true, however, that traveling, especially to faraway destinations, can come a large price, which for some might be difficult. We encourage you, however, not to give up! Try to be more creative choosing your destination, and think of simple ways of saving money that will add up quickly. Do you really need that expensive latte in the morning, or another new shirt? Just learn to prioritize and traveling will be more accessible than you might think.

Learning a new language can be socially fulfilling.


4. Learn a new language

Speaking a new language doesn’t only enhance your communication skills, but also makes you more intelligent because all neurological functions are activated. It will enhance your memory and allow you to manage multitasking.

English is of course the language that opens the most opportunities for you, especially internationally, and allows you to travel easily (helping accomplish resolution #3!). English, after all, is the unofficial language of tourism and is a great way to be able to interact with people in most countries you might hope to visit.

An international certificate will also make your CV or résumé stand out from other applicants and make you a far more attractive candidate for future employers.

Moreover, especially if you study English abroad, you will become more confident and ready to face more challenges.


5. Find an internship or a new job

Are you still studying or have you recently graduated? Make the most of your time and start looking for a job or internship! You’ll not only learn a lot, but also build up your CV and make yourself a more attractive candidate down the line.

The process of looking for new job can be draining, but if you are motivated and determined nothing can stop you to getting the role perfect for you. Remember, if you learn a new language like English and you gain an international certificate, getting a new job will be easier!


Studying English abroad with Kaplan can link together many of these resolutions. Which is your dream destination? Find out more about our schools all around the world and don't give up: a new you just around the corner.

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